We are the Key Masters

We are the Key Masters … those of us who are leading the way for others to follow on the road to freedom.

In this article by Joe Schroeder, he explains what out duty is as Key Masters.  It may surprise you.  It will definitely stretch your thinking. It will empower and strengthen your resolve.


The Prison Talk by Joe Schroeder


that becomes your BURDEN.

Consider this:

When you FIND the ABSOLUTE truth,

your burden then,

not too strong a word,

your BURDEN then is that you yearn for the whole world to also know what you know.

Take a moment and really settle and listen to that again.

When you FIND the ABSOLUTE truth,

your burden then, not too strong a word,

your BURDEN then is that you yearn for the whole world to also know what you know.

I call that being a KEY MASTER

Here is what that means:

When you know you know,

you then go on a LIFE’S MISSION to pass on what you know to your fellow man.

THAT, and that alone has become my own burden and I suppose, my art.

TO UN-LOCK 10,000 people and share what I know that I know that I know.

Just as you will and just as you have already started.

If you have PASSION for capitalism within the INSPIRATION economy

—–THAT is where it comes from



We are the “Key Masters” to life.

Our job is to simply hand out the “keys” of life to others who are in jail

——-and it is up to them to open the gate!

I SAID —–those who are in (mental) J-A-I-L

THEIR job is to unlock the gate of their own personal jail and to WALK out and to follow you.

That is what our job is.


No more bribes….

No more chasing.

Expose, involve and upgrade.

Turn buyers into partners.

Partners into clients.

(It’s servanthood versus “pay me please”)

And when we try to get “cute” and open the cell door for them and we go into their cell and pick them up and carry them out to the light—

That my friend IS WHERE WE GO ASTRAY!

THAT kind of co-dependent ego-trip is NOT what  CREATION intended for us to do.

We are Key Masters…

Nothing more.

—a movement OF the people.

The responsibility then of the Key Master is ominous.

THE BURDEN is intense.

Walking Through The Agony of Darkness…

Not only do we have to pass through fear and hell just to get to the jail cells,

we also have to live with the grief and destruction we see as we are down there passing out the keys to life.

Here is what you have to do:

  1. You have to listen to people’s “war stories.”
  2. You have to STARE mediocrity in the face: theirs.
  3. WE have to endure their lack of self esteem.
  4. We have to watch them vomit on themselves.

YOU are the Key-master…

THEY are in the PRISON of their own demise.

And we watch them EAT AT their own self-image

And we WATCH them speak DARKNESS into themselves.

THEY speak themselves down

THEY tell war stories and bitch and complain


But we move ahead.

And we walk past them

and say,  simply, “FOLLOW ME.”


we have to carry with us the agony of leaving those behind us who aren’t already behind us.

Just think of it my friend,

** YOU ** walk through miles and miles of rugged terrain filled with near-death experiences along the way only to get to YOUR final destination of being a Key Master.


when you arrive at your first cell you find a mother and her child weeping in the corner, too weak to even get up to walk across the room to get the Keys of life from you.

“Here is the Key… take it and come with me.”

But they are too weak to grab your hand:

So, what do you do?

SHOULD you over-extend yourself?

You open the cell door for her, pick her and her child up and carry them to safety.

And all the while you have to walk past thousands of other women and children screaming at you as you pass—

they ARE ready to get out but can’t.


Because you used up your Keys on the first cell you passed.

On the weak.

On that lady and her crying baby.

And you WASTE your ENERGY trying to “convince” people.

Ponder this…

Do we lose our credibility when we need to cajole people into partnering with us?

The lesson: LET the CRYING Mother Be.


CARRY NO ONE to the finish line




YOU ONLY SERVE those who were BORN to be released by you and NO ONE else.

And we waste our LIFE with the wrong TYPES of people.

So my Brother and Sister Gladiators  + Key Masters….

WHAT is your mission in life?

How about to be strong.

To be what the UNIVERSE intended us to be—

Gladiator Key Masters.

Walk through hell—

do your job and don’t look back.

Be honored that you were entrusted with the Keys to life.

Be honored that the UNIVERSE introduce you and me as we walked through a living hell passing out our Keys to the wrong Cell mates.

Think we each don’t participate in our own local Social-cult-ridden anti-capitalist towns?

If you think you are devoid of that, try to share your opportunity locally.

Watch the sparks fly.

So what happens?

When you WASTE your time on the wrong types of people and look back and you have wasted another year of your life——

THAT is Hell…

HELL is also when the person you are TODAY looks in the mirror and sees the person you could have been.

STARING back at you from the mirror.

I’ll be me…. You be you.

Be the best KEY MASTER that you can be.

Don’t look back my Gladiator friend.

The UNIVERSE has chosen someone else to pick up those pieces behind us and to help those who can’t

get up and walk to GRAB the Keys of Life.

The Pastor will coddle the lonely.

The 12-step programs will never go away.

Not us.

Not you.

Not me.


We have a different path!


If you and I do our jobs, it will enable those other people, who were “appointed” to do those things which drag us down, to do theirs.

Be a Key Master today my Gladiator friend.

Experience the genius in you on demand.

Walk your rounds and hand out the Keys of Life to the RIGHT people–not the WRONG people.

Not only are you not supposed to give them the keys of life,

BUT they will suck the life out of you if you do

–that is why you and I were appointed to this finicky profession.

To walk our “rounds” and to hand out the Keys of life.

Somehow we get confused and sidetracked…

when we start to think that our job is anything more.

YOU owe them nothing.

Beyond… POINT to the system.


POINT to our fellowship and do  * NOT * look back.


But do NOT lose your soul or your dignity in the process.

A higher consciousness is not for everyone.

It’s ONLY for people whose self image can support the ideal that this industry can help you become a Pinnacle leader.

It’s about duplication.

This is only for visionaries who can sell and lead.

This is only for the strong…

Do you understand this?

1st you inspire

2nd you involve

3rd you invite (inspire others)

The weak (97%) work for the 3% who employ them.

Others will grab a check.

You collect love.

Share love.

Grow lives.

Give more life.

That’s a better life.

Sow. Give. Share.

“What you give away you always get to keep.”

Others will get paid for what their job pays.

YOU earn income based on who you are

not what your job pays.

Employment pays once per hour.

Entrepreneurs earn over and over per hour!

Employed folks serve a boss.

You and I serve a country.

We inspire more revenue into the WORLD.


An OPEN REVIVAL for Samurai Hippies and their families…

JUST walk your rounds and hand out the keys To Life.

STOP trying to “save” people.

OTHERS will assist that Mother and crying child.

THAT is not your job.

POINT———and others will follow.

STAND and others will stop and look.

Strength and Honor – JS

I’ve never been in prison, but I’ve been imprisoned.

Other than the fact that a prison is a physical place where people are forced to be… there’s really no difference between being in prison and living a life imprisoned.

Think about it… if you are living an imprisoned life,
you are caged in,
you are not free to do what you want,
you wear shackles of fear, doubt, worry, disbelief, anger, jealousy, bitterness…
your day is dictated by what others tell you to do,
you follow rules and regulations 24/7
you are always on edge
you long to be free.

The only way you get out of a real prison is determined by others.

The only way you are released from you imprisoned life is determined by you.

How?  By unlocking the door.  By deciding this is not all there is to life.

Most people live imprisoned lives.

Maybe it’s where you are right now … imprisoned and yearning for freedom.

Are you allowing others to wrongfully imprison you?

Who do you allow to negate your dreams?

“You’ve never been successful”
“You are too old, too young, too ______”
“These things are all scams, no one ever makes money in these.”

Click. The cell door slams, the key turns and you are wrongfully imprisoned. Falsely accused by words of fear, self doubt that others project into you.

You cry out NO! You’re wrong!
I’m not afraid to go after my dream. I am strong enough, smart enough, determined enough to achieve this desire that burns like a fire in my soul.

Break out! Be free! Shout to the Universe I AM. I am enough. I believe in me! I am confident. I am resilient.

And watch the cell door disappear.

Jailbreak time.

trisha barnes naked hippies roadtrip.us

Trisha Barnes

c: 573-881-6715
f: facebook.com/trishajbarnes
Subscribe:  http://youfoundus.nakedhippiesteam.com

P.S.  Join us in the study and discussion of The Master Key System
by Charles Haanel.  Live call, Mon-Fri at 10 AM (Eastern)
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