How to stand out so others will find you on the internet ... you're competing with millions!

How to Stand Out Among Billions on the Internet

Stand out among billions on the internet or you’ll stand in the shadows of those who do …

If you don’t stand out, you’ll wring your hands, beat your head against the wall, cry out to the gods of cyberspace and probably start to think of throwing in the towel.


HOLD ON!  Before you scream “It’s no use,” read on for some tips on standing out on the internet.

Just so you know, as of just a few minutes ago, there were nearly 3 million blog posts written today, over 154 billion emails sent, and over 648 million tweets.  And the day ain’t over yet!

Click the pic to see the “real time” numbers

As the number of internet users it is more evident than ever that you stand out as a blogger, as a marketer among the billions on the internet – but how?


1.  BE YOU – the #1 thing you can do

You're among MILLIONS of bloggers, Facebook users, Tweeters on the internet ... how do you stand out?
It’s really, really, really okay to be YOU!

There is no one else like you. No one else has your style, your voice, your personality and yes, even your quirks.

But, that’s exactly what attracts followers.  You just have to be as real as it gets. Be the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s all allowed and adored because everyone is sick and tired of the hype and false pretensions on the internet (and everywhere else in life, too.)

People have a keen sense of smell … they can smell the stink of fake or the fragrance of genuineness.

Nobody can DO YOU like you do you!  There’s a ton of people copying other styles, trying to “fit in,” attempting to be something they truly aren’t.  You just do you and leave the mask off.


It doesn’t matter whether you blog every day, three times a week or even once a week. What matters is that you are CONSISTENT.

Consistently showing up is one key to standing out on the internet among the billions.
Every day matters. Be there!

On social media platforms, it’s a daily requirement – at least once a day, but even better to have a presence several times a day for this reason … your social media posts have a short shelf life:

TWITTER: The median lifespan of a tweet is 18 minutes.

FACEBOOK: 75% of the engagement you get on your posts happens within the first 5 hours. After that, engagement pretty much dies off. [more statistics here]

INSTAGRAM: Your photo on Instagram may only get seen once, so make it a good one. [source]

PINTEREST:  Your Pinterest pins are on Pinterest forever.  However they are only going to show up in your followers’ streams when you initially pin them. [source]


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it’s been proven to be the most engaging, the most valuable element of your social media marketing and on your blog.

Using great images increases your chance of standing out on the internet.
Find some fun pics like this on Pixabay!

Research from Skyword found that if your content includes compelling images, you can average 94 percent more views than your boring counterparts. [source]


Word of warning though:  use only your own personal pictures or images that you have permission to use without worry of copyright infringement.  The last thing you need is a lawsuit for grabbing an image from Google or Pinterest or someone’s blog, thinking because it’s on the web, it’s okay to use it.  WRONG.

A great source for copyright-free images is Pixabay.  The search function gives you tons of images to choose from, and they are available in different sizes to suit your needs.


A great title and the first few words of your social media post have to GRAB the attention of the reader. If it doesn’t, they will click off or scroll away from what you are sharing.

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.  -David Ogilvy

Too often, more attention is given to the content created than the title or headline.

Jeff Goins writes, “You should begin and end every article with the question: ‘Would this make me want to read on?'”

In this article, he offers a simple formula for your titles:

Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

You’ve got about 3 seconds to get someone’s attention with your title or your social media post.  Pay attention to the subject lines of the emails you receive from other marketers … notice how some have a title that you can’t ignore … you just have to read more. That’s exactly what you want your titles to do.


Be a resource for what people need.

Most people are always looking to increase pleasure or decrease pain in their lives.  You can be the “go-to” person that they will learn to rely on for either (as you incorporate all of these tips.)

Being a resource doesn’t mean you have to have a PhD in a subject.

You have skills and life experiences to share with the world.
Life has given you a boatload of skills and experiences to share.

You just have to share what you know … the knowledge you’ve gained and the experiences you have had in life.

Decrease the pain:   What are your skills?  There is someone who is searching how to do exactly what you already know.  You probably have more skills than you realize.  Make a list of everything you know how to do, no matter how insignificant it might seem, from your expertise as a realtor to your amazing skills as a mom. You’d be surprised at what people type in the search bars!

Increase the pleasure:  Are you a motivator?  Do you inspire and encourage people?  Are you funny and entertaining?  Do you write poetry, compose music, create beautiful works of art?  Share your strengths to be a source of light in other lives.

These five tips to help you stand out on the internet are intended to get your creative juices flowing and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and show the world what you’ve got!


It does take work, effort and commitment to implement these tips, but, remember, there are millions, sometimes billions of eyeballs.

What other tips have you found to help you stand out on the internet?  Share!  I’d love to hear!






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42 Content Ideas for Video Marketing

42 content ideas for video marketing for those who have hit a wall and can’t think of a single thing to record.

Sometimes you just hit a wall and can’t think of anything worth recording.  Rest assured, the possibilities are endless.  Here are 42 content ideas you can use for your video marketing.

NOTE:  if you need convincing that videos are really worth your time and effort, read this.

  1. Who are you?
    Tell your viewers who you are and what you are all about.
    This is a great video to use in response to friend requests.   (here’s my example)
  1. Tell a story from your life experiences that illustrate the point of the video.
  2. Record yourself reading something inspirational.
  3. Record yourself reading one of your blog posts.
  4. Answer questions that repeatedly come up from your teammates.
  5. Teach how to do something.
  6. Address common excuses people have for not taking action.
  7. Show how you use the different tools you are using to grow your business.
  8. Report on an event – either one that you attend in person or attend online.
  9. A day in your life … video your entire day, then edit it or speed it up
  10. Do a FAQ about your product/business/service
  11. Don’t have questions available? Use Yahoo or Quora to grab relevant questions that you can answer.
  12. Do a SAQ … questions your prospects SHOULD ask
  13. Create a series of videos on one topic such as my 31 Days of Transformation
  14. Talk about what you wished you knew then that you know now.
  1. Do a review of a book you’ve recently read that would benefit others
  2. Give your top five book recommendations and why
  3. Create a testimony for someone who has helped you
  4. Review a product you are using
  5. Invite people to a free training, webinar, conference call
  6. Invite people to subscribe to your newsletter
  7. Create a challenge or a contest for your viewers or teammates
  8. Share an experience that was painful to go through, but you learned a valuable lesson
  9. Ask a what if question (similar to the excuses idea)
  10. Interview someone who is influential
  11. Do a series of interviews asking the same question of each person
  12. Present statistics that will affect the future of your viewers (such as consumer debt, retirement funds, college loan debt, unemployment, etc)
  13. Give the basics for getting started in the industry … what to look for in a sponsor or company
  14. Do top ten lists for anything relevant to your business
  15. Share a story of a teammate’s success and edify them
  16. Do on the spot surveys … stopping people on the street and asking a simple question like “what would you do if time and money were no object”
  17. Do a series on what you are grateful for
  18. Do something wacky and adventurous and record it.(I call these my virgin experiences – things I’ve never done before!) Here’s my bra burning video where I celebrated quitting the 8-5. 
  19. Storyboarding … record a video of you using a whiteboard to illustrate a concept
  20. Holiday greetings – every holiday is a great opportunity to create a video message
  21. Tour the back office of your product/service/company … show people what’s available
  22. Solicit questions from your viewers … do an Ask Me Anything video to elicit engagement
  23. Announce an upcoming product release
  24. If you dare, record a video on a controversial subject
  25. Do a series on the top ten tools you use in your business
  26. Introduce new teammates and share the excitement you hold for their success
  27. Record unpacking a new product or book


INSIDE TIP:   Use YouTube as a resource for content ideas. Type a keyword in the search bar and see what comes up in the drop down. There’s some valuable titles and content ideas there.

One of the best techniques I’ve learned to be consistent with creating videos is to announce a series that you will be doing.  Could be 7 days or 30 days on a particular topic.  Your announcement to the public creates accountability for you to follow through each day.

Some of these tips suggest interviews which you might think is impossible because you do not live near that person.  Solution? Use Google hangouts. That’s what I did for this recent interview with Greg Kuhn, author of “Grow a Greater You.”

Remember that brevity is key to your videos.  Of course, some types of videos will not lend themselves to be cut off at 2 minutes.  Understandable.  Just be sure that you mix it up and offer more quick videos than the longer ones.

Also remember that each video should have a CTA (call to action).  That doesn’t mean you “sell” in every video.  Your CTA has to be appropriate for the message of the video.  Make it congruent with what you have just shared.  You can always ask people to subscribe to your newsletter.  That is an unobtrusive request that most will respond to.

Hope you now have some ideas for videos rolling around in your head.

Tomorrow’s article AND VIDEO will share how to create videos if you are too shy to be in front of the camera.

See you then,


trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

p:  573-881-6715
f:   Message me on Facebook
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v:  Subscribe to our YouTube channel

P.S.  Every video that you create can also be a blog post.
This is the best time-saving action you can take, and it adds
exposure to YOU.  If you don’t have a blog set up yet … it’s time.


Visual Marketing Trends for 2015

A picture’s worth a thousand words so knowing the current visual marketing trends will help you choose the right images.

Visual marketing utilizes the power of images on blogs and social media posts to greatly increase engagement.

According to a study by HubSpot:

  • posts with photos received 53% more likes and attracted 104% more comments than those without (via HubSpot).
  • photo posts can generate over 80% higher link click through than simple text and link posts, HubSpot reports.

But, not all images are perceived alike.

A study by Tagg shows:

  • Images which show only certain parts of the body and not the face generated an overall engagement of 81%.
  • Images that show no person or body part at all had an overall engagement of 78%.

This goes along with the latest visual marketing trends presented in the infographic below.

Images with unique perspectives instead of faces are hot right now.

This  inforgraphic of the latest creative trends for 2015 was compiled by research of  Shutterstock’s customers.

Scroll through the infographic below to see which visual marketing trends are popular on every continent:

Infographic: Shutterstock’s 2015 Creative Visual Marketing Trends


The main thing is this … always use images in your blog posts and social media posts.

The studies prove images increase engagement.

Engagement increases trust.

Trust leads to sales.

Now you have some great ideas to help you choose and create the most impactful styles.

Will this information influence the kinds of images you choose for your marketing?

trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!






p:  573-881-6715
f:   Let’s connect on Facebook

P.S.   Likes and comments are great, but learning how to generate leads on Facebook will turn your posts into income.  The Facebook Leads Formula has helped us leverage the power of social media to grow our business.  Combine this training with these visual marketing trends and watch how your list grows.


Lessons from a Groundhog for Online Marketers

and a great time to learn do’s and don’ts “Groundhog” marketing tips from this furry little rodent.


Storing up for “fuel” for the down time

Nature is the best teacher, no matter the topic.  It might seem weird that a groundhog could provide marketing lessons for online marketers, but here’s what I learned about groundhogs and how it applies to you as an online marketer:


1. Don’t Be Destructive

Groundhogs are destructive little creatures, causing damage to trees, crops, wiring, irrigation systems and even foundations of building.

Make sure as an online marketer that your actions are not destructive to a team, a system, or the goodwill of the industry.

Always be positive, never complain and choose to always take the high road in your discussions with others about your business, your teammates, your leaders and your sponsors.

2. Don’t Disappear 

Groundhogs hibernate from October to early spring.

If you have a hit-and-miss kind of marketing activity, it will reflect in your  business, it will not grow.  It you are all fired up for a couple of weeks, then lose your steam and stop taking action, you lose the momentum – you are right back at the starting gate.

It is your consistency in showing up and providing value to the marketplace every day that determines your success.  Daily consistent action.

3. Don’t Go It Alone

Groundhogs are solitary creatures.

You don’t want to do this alone.  As a marketer, you definitely will benefit from being surrounded by others who have achieved what you desire to achieve and by those who are working right along with you to grow their own dreams.

There is strength in numbers. Motivation and support and mentorship  is invaluable to your success.  People will reach out and help, others will believe in your dream as much as their own, teammates will depend on you to lead by example.

Don’t go it alone.


1. Take Daily Action

Groundhogs emerge from their burrows to continuously gather food.

As an online marketer, especially when you just getting started in the business, this is the time of daily activity, or what we call the grind.

You put in the hours now, so you can enjoy the fruits of freedom later.  I know you’re thinking, “I left the daily grind and now you’re telling me I have to grind daily?”

Yes.  It isn’t easy at first … but it’s so worth it when you realize one day that your business is running on autopilot while you take your family to the beach, or to Hawaii for a month!

2. Protect Your Team  

Even though groundhogs are solitary creatures, as a species, they work to protect each other.  For example, they communicate with one another using high-pitched thrills to warn each other of an approaching threat.

You become part of the whole. And you as an online marketer must protect the team as you develop leadership skills. This industry provides the best way to create a steady income to fund your freedom lifestyle, but there are unethical marketers lurking in the shadow that could suck the energy and life right out of your team.

3.  Build Your Network

Groundhogs dig complex multi-chamber burrows that they use for hoarding food, nesting and hibernating – to sustain their life.

As an online marketer, you will also build a complex multi-chamber network of prospects, clients, teammates, and other network marketers to sustain your business.

Building a list of prospects and clients is one part of the network, and the lifeblood of your business.

Networking with other online marketers provides as source of masterminding and resources and training, as well as building your credibility.

Networking and communicating with your team is vital to maintaining the strength and culture of the team.

One more important lesson from the Groundhog…

Your future is not determined by
your shadow.

Every year, on February 2, the tradition continues …
Punxsutawney Phil is pulled from his burrow to forecast the weather for the next six weeks.

I’m pretty sure that either way, he’s right. There will be six more weeks of winter, or it’s six weeks til spring.

Here’s the lesson from  the Groundhog Day tradition:

Whatever shadow is following you, it doesn’t predict your future.

Your past does not equal what you can do to change your future.

It is entirely up to you whether you allow others to see a shadow and predict you’ll fail at this business …

or whether you choose to see the light and decide that noone else will determine your outcome.

So, you see, we can learn some valuable marketing lessons from a groundhog.

If this article was helpful, leave a comment and share it with others.
I appreciate it!

trisha barnes naked hippies
Here to help you GROW your business!

Trisha Barnes
p:  573-881-6715
f:   Find me on Facebook!

P.S.  In honor of Groundhog Day AND because it’s Bruce’s
birthday, I have a free gift for you.

Happy Birthday to my Bruce!

The Simple Freedom Booklet … yours to download and
study and to use to create simple messages to generate
cash flow to your pockets!
Click here to get the free book.

Content Marketing in Simple Terms

One of the most efficient use of your time and creativity is to learn how content marketing flows …

how you can take one piece of content and re-purpose it across a multitude of platforms.

Too many internet marketers, especially those new to the industry, become overwhelmed trying to get a boatload of messages in as front of as many eyeballs as possible.

The result … scattered productivity which leads to a smattering of results, which leads to exhaustion, burnout and a sense of “I can’t do this.”

There is a better way, there is a more efficient and simple way to create one piece of content and multiply it.

It saves you time, it saves you stress, it give you a daily method of operation in your business that is an easy to follow checklist of accomplishments.

In this video, I break it down in simple terms, give you a visual concept that is easy to understand and implement.

If this training helped you, leave a comment below.  Thanks!


Subscribe to receive my daily emails.  Right to your inbox daily … tips,
ideas, stories and motivation to help you grow yourself and your business.  Subscribe here and receive our free e-book that tells the story of how we came to be The Naked Hippies!

For more marketing tips, you will definitely want to attend our TNT training … an open class room for internet marketers. We teach you how to use Social Marketing to generate traffic, get leads and increase sales.

The training runs 24/7 with a new module uploaded every Tuesday.
Click here to access the TNT classroom.  

See you there!

Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha
p:  573-881-6715

Content Marketing-How to Multiply Your Content

Let’s face it … there are only so many hours in the day …

and whether you are working part time on your home business or full-time, the clock keeps on ticking while you do whatever you can to keep marketing.

You are pulled in many directions as you work to market your business.  It gets overwhelming at times.  It becomes a burden rather than fun.

Well, pull up a seat and take a deep breath.  This is going to help you with that.

This will be a huge time saver for you.


Content marketing is taking one piece of content and repurposing it across a multitude of different platforms.  It will:

  • save you time
  • save you from being overwhelmed
  • increase your exposure on many levels

Your first step is to create the content.

Write a blog post.  Or if you don’t have a blog, create a Facebook note.

This is your hub content, your one piece that is value packed and filled with helpful information for your readers.

In this video, I share the many ways you can now use that one piece of content to market to a broader audience.



Content marketing has been a time-saver for me.

Now, instead of constantly creating various messages for all the different platforms, I create once and share it everywhere.

If you can create one piece of content every day and follow the steps I shared to re-purpose it across many platforms, you will be relieved and pleased with the outcome.

You might even find time to get up away from your laptop and take a walk, see a friend, take your kids to the park.

That’s the purpose here, really. To help you gain the time and financial freedom you desire … to alleviate some of the stress and overwhelm that creeps in when you feel scattered and unproductive in your business.

If this helped you in any way, share it with others.


Naked Hippies Roadtrip Bruce and Trisha


P.S.  A key part of creating great content is to
learn copywriting skills.  This one course has been
THE ONE to help me learn to create blog titles, email
subject lines and content that creates curiosity,
peaks interest and leads to opt-ins.

Get the course here: