If You Think You Have Job Security … Think Again!

Now, more than ever it’s vital to your future to quit your job and become your own boss.

It’s inevitable … technology is eliminating job security.

So much has changed in the last thirty years and it’s changing at a more rapid pace as technology replaces the human services we once relied on.

Look around …

Automation is replacing once needed service personnel. We now scan our own items at self-checkouts;

we use ATMS for banking transactions;

we pump our own gas;

we pay bills online rather than use the postal service;

we call TeleDoc for a diagnosis and prescription;

we buy airline tickets, reserve hotel rooms and rent cars online. 

The list goes on and on. The services that used to be performed by humans are no longer needed.

Technology, outsourcing, a growing temp staffing industry, productivity efficiencies, have all replaced the middle class.The working class. Most jobs that existed 20 years ago aren’t needed now. [Source}

W. Brian Arthur, a visiting researcher at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center’s intelligence systems lab and a former economics professor at Stanford University, calls it the “autonomous economy.” It’s far more subtle than the idea of robots and automation doing human jobs, he says: it involves “digital processes talking to other digital processes and creating new processes,” enabling us to do many things with fewer people and making yet other human jobs obsolete. [Source} 

“Software substitution, whether it’s for drivers or waiters or nurses … it’s progressing. …  Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. – Bill Gates [Source]

One recent study by academics at Oxford University suggests that 47% of today’s jobs could be automated in the next two decades. [Source]


Become an entrepreneur.  Be your own boss. Take control.

Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure.
James Altucher


Internet marketing is the best way to create job security.

1. Make the decision to create your own job security by using technology for your gain – become an internet marketer.

2. Realize you will need to invest time and money to launch your new career.

3. Avoid the “easy money” opportunities that will flood your search.  It’s not easy, it takes work and commitment and perseverance. Not easy, but so worth it.

4. Never stop learning. Learn from leaders, learn from your experiences, learn from those who are doing what you are doing.

5. Have a support system in place of people who will guide you, train you and most of all be there to help you navigate through this journey.

6. Grow yourself personally. Being successful in building your own job security is an inner game; it’s about the person you have to become in character and mind in order to be successful.

7. Be patient and steadfast.  This is not a lottery ticket, this is the rest of your life. Every decision you make to act in spite of fear, or worry, or doubt, or inconvenience or even when you’re not in the mood will push you faster towards your success.

If you are still reading this, it means what I’ve shared has triggered a “knowing” within you that something has to change in your life. You see the writing on the wall.  Good for you!

Here’s to your freedom … you job security … the best of your life.

Oh, and by the way …

We took that big step nine years ago. It was exciting and scary.

Now, we are living our dream and teaching as many people as possible how to create their own cash flow online so they can build real freedom and job security for themselves and their families.

If you are ready to begin to create something purposeful and something that could change the landscape of your family forever…

let me introduce you to what we do …  that anyone can learn  … to create the financial stability and job security you desire. Click the banner below.

Create job security using the Simple Freedom way!


Trisha Barnes
Let’s Connect:
s:   Subscribe to the Naked Hippies newsletter
c:  573-881-6715
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P.S.  Highly recommend these articles and ebooks:
How the Middle Class Got Screwed
Ten Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job This Year

The same treatment for muscle sprains also applies to treating stress in life.

Best Treatment for Stress Using P.R.I.C.E.

I found the best treatment for stress after a hike through the desert.

But, wait! Everyone already knows that getting out in nature DOES relieve stress. I adamantly recommend daily walks and regular escapes as a means to regroup and reconnect.

But, this treatment is more of a lifetime treatment instead of a quick “take a break and breathe” kind that you do in the middle of your chaotic day.

We recently hiked 4.5 miles through the desert in at the San Tan Mountain Regional Park in Arizona. The hike took us full circle, completely around one of the mountains (and yeah, I know, Colorado folks would say, “that ain’t no mountain!)

Always, as we travel along on our never-ending roadtrip, we look out over plains, and hills, deserts and mountains and feel the longing to BE out there … traipsing over the land like the early settlers, the cowboys, the discoverers and explorers.  Yesterday’s hike took us “out there!”

Best treatment for stress is always nature.
How many cowboys and pioneers passed by these saguaros?

We were far away from the hustle and bustle of city streets, and fast food places and malls.  We ventured into the wilderness where mountains surrounded us, saguaros towered over us, desert scrub and rocks adorned our path.

We weren’t stressed, but what happened next led me to discover the best treatment for stress, for all those people, and events and situations that kind of rub against the grain of peace and happiness.

Now, about halfway through the hike, I felt my knee start to complain about the strain it was enduring for the hike.  I previously strained it on last week’s hike up Pinnacle Peak in Scottsdale, but it had healed quickly – or so I thought.  Soon, I began to wonder if I could beg for a ride on one of the horses passing by on the trail.

Found the best treatment for stress when I strained my knee on a hike through the desert.
Oh, please … swoop me up on the back of your horse!

By the time we got back to the truck, I knew the remainder of my day would be spent resting, icing and elevating my knee.  It’s the PRICE treatment recommended for muscle strains and sprains and it’s also the best treatment for stress.

Protect – Rest – Ice – Compression – Elevation

Best treatment for stress is the same way you treat muscle sprains and strains.As I was resting and icing and elevating (and sometimes … well, a lot of the time … complaining),
I realized how the PRICE treatment could also be the best treatment for stress in our lives.

The same therapy can be used to heal, relieve
and avoid stress in life.

This is how
to apply
when life
and how
to prevent
the stress
before it



You have to protect yourself from the stress of the negative energy that exudes from naysayers, whiners and complainers for they can certainly cause injury to your overall well-being.

There will be people who will discourage you, irritate you, even hate you and who will try to squash your desire to be successful and happy. Protect yourself from this negative kind of energy.

Protect yourself by choosing to be surrounded by people who are positive, who love and encourage you, who believe in you.


Your mind processes 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. With all that thinking going on, is it any wonder that we are stressed?

What chance does our heart have to breathe, feel, and experience life when there is a constant flood of thoughts.

The steady flow of thinking is a thick filter between our thoughts and feelings, our head and heart. The constant mental traffic prevents us from seeing clearly, listening deeply, and feeling our well of being. Taking time to nurture the silence of our heart, we begin to be very present, including present with one another. -Bruce Davis

Science has discovered a wide scope of brain wave frequencies in humans, ranging from the very low levels of deep sleep (Delta) to the high level of consciousness (Beta) where we spend most of our waking day.

Many people spend their days in a sustained, agitated, stressful, high frequency Beta state but, it can cause an unhealthy release of stress chemicals, which will, over time, put the body completely out of balance and cause disease.

You need to rest your mind, slow down to the lower level of frequencies of Theta and Alpha.

Resting your mind is done through meditation.

You don’t have to trek to India, shave your head and sit in a cave 23 hours a day to meditate.  Just find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and sit in silence, breathing in and out deeply. As you do, your brain wave frequencies will slow down.

Best treatment for stress includes meditation.
Find a spot, where it’s quiet and peaceful.

Meditation is healing rest for your mind.


Life is going to throw some curve balls at you – it’s inevitable.

It is stressful dealing with uncomfortable and irritating situations, people and circumstances. How you react will either aggravate or alleviate the stress.

Just chill. 

It’s your reaction that will aggravate or alleviate the stress caused by crisis and disappointments or the pain of hurtful comments. Reacting with anger, worry, fear, jealousy or doubt feeds the negative energy monster.

Reacting with love expands and attracts joy, peace, equanimity and happiness.

Let go. Let go of the need to be right. Let go of the need to be in control. Let go of the need to figure it all out.  Put it on ice.


For a muscle sprain, you wrap an elastic bandage around the injury to help reduce swelling to restrict the flow of liquid to the sprain.

Compression can  be applied to reduce the “swelling” of overextending yourself in any area of your life.

It’s so very easy to take on too much because there is so much you CAN do, WANT to do, and it’s ALL good.  But what happens when you take on too much?  You get overwhelmed, exhausted, confused and stressed.

That’s when it’s time for compression.  Compress it all down to DO what you enjoy doing. Let go of all the rest. Focus on doing one or two things well instead of trying to be the expert of everything. Forget about what others expect you to be or to do.  Do what fills your heart with joy.

Compression:  simplifying to decompress.


I’ve been elevating my knee for a few days to reduce the amount of blood flow to the injured area. Too much blood can put undue pressure on the injury, slowing the healing process. The key is to have the injured area above my heart level.

Stress in life puts undue pressure on your well-being. It can fill your mind with depression, anxiety, worthlessness and the whole gamut of negative emotions that will sabotage everything you attempt to do. You have to find a way to elevate your mind.

The best way is to do this is to read books that will help you learn how to navigate through life with a positive attitude and beliefs that serve you instead of destroy you.

Be a lifelong student, never stop learning about the miraculous biology of your brain and your body, about the immense Universal power that is within you to be, do and have all that you desire.

Read daily. Read 15 minutes at a time from several different books to expand and elevate your mind.

You can also elevate your mind by attending webinars or live events to learn from personal development leaders, which puts you in an environment where you are surrounded by people who support and love you.  (See “Protect” above.)

PRICE. It’s working great for my knee sprain.

It’s also the best treatment for stress in your life.

I’m sure this has triggered additional thoughts and ideas about how the PRICE treatment can be applied to life.  I’d love to hear – we’d all love to hear!  Leave a comment below!






Trisha Barnes
Let’s connect!
c:  Text me 573-881-6715
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STAY CONNECTED. Join the other readers of our Naked Hippies eNewsletter.  You’ll receive our free ebook “We Did It, You Can Too”  and get a daily dose of tips, insights and strategies designed to wake people up and create cash flow and wealth for you and your family. Plus, we’ll keep you updated with our travel adventures and our journey to manifesting our Vanabode!  To subscribe for free, just click on the “Simple Freedom” pic above. Then check your email inbox for your bonus books and newsletter.

Who is the hardest person to sell? Friends? Family?

The Hardest Person to Sell is …

You might say the hardest person to sell is a friend …

or a family member.


Or is it …

The one who has been scammed one too many times?

The one who is strapped for cash?

The one who is already partnered up with another company or system?

The one who stalls making a decision for days/weeks/months?


The hardest person to sell is YOU!

[Tweet “If you don’t believe in yourself AND in what you are selling, you’re screwed from the start.”]

People have a keen sense of smell when it comes to confidence …

and if you are not 100% sold on what you are sharing with others, it will smell as bad as meat rotting in the garbage.


Your success really all comes down to belief.

It’s a two part equation:

FIRST:  Believe in your product or service, and customers will line up to buy.

In sales, it’s not what you say; it’s how they perceive what you say. –Jeffrey Gitomer

When you are “sold” on your product or service, the energy that emanates as you speak to someone is felt, not just heard.

Have you ever had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant?  How excited were you to share your experience with others?

Or, have you ever found a hairdresser or physical trainer or dentist that gave you the best service you have ever received?

I’m sure you couldn’t wait to tell your friends about it.  You raved about the experience. You couldn’t say enough good things about it!

When you can get as excited about your business as you do about your hairdresser, a restaurant, a great movie or a fantastic sale at a local department store,  the results you achieve will change dramatically.

[Tweet “Their hesitancy to buy is caused by the hesitancy of your belief.”]

The best way to get excited and build confidence and belief about what you are “selling” is to KNOW what you selling.

Invest time in the back office going through everything, and I mean everything … the training, the products, the commissions.

It’s not that you will need to share ALL this knowledge to make a sale;  it’s that knowing what you have to offer will help solve a problem your prospect is having as your conversation continues.

All that selling requires is for you to provide a solution to someone’s pain or provide a means of pleasure to lead them to a decision.

A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. -Plato

The more you know about your product and service, the greater number of people you will help, and the greater your income will be.

Once you have this knowledge and understanding, you’ll have “sold” the hardest person to sell.

Not everyone is cut from the same mold and when you have a complete knowledge and understanding of your product/service, you’ll be able to match your product/service to their needs.

Gaining the knowledge of your product or service will gain you confidence … which leads to belief … which leads to trust … which leads to sales.

SECOND:  Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

But you will be stopped in your tracks if you feel that you are not good enough, smart enough, or creative enough to achieve what you want in life.

[Tweet “A lack of self-worth will afflict and affect every conversation you have with prospects.”]

The energy behind your spoken words is sensed by others. If you are doubtful, fearful and desperate to make a sale, it will be felt, no matter the words they hear.

Successful entrepreneurs know the hardest person to sell is themselves. This is why they invest time and money for personal development.

It’s not who you are that holds you back,
it’s who you think you’re not.

How to begin to believe in YOU?

The hardest person to sell is YOU.  

Once you’re “sold,” the possibilities are unlimited.

Here’s to you!






Let’s connect!
c:  Text me 573-881-6715
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P.S.  What if you could meet with a group of people who would inspire and encourage and believe in you?  What if you could join in the study and discussion of great personal development books?

What if one hour a day could give you the tools and knowledge to help you begin to believe in YOU?

You can and you will!
Dial in to the Journey To Magnificence call:
Mon-Fri at 10 am Eastern
712-775-7085 pin 150703#

Replays available here.


Millionaire Mind Intensive is ONE EVENT you must attend. Changed our lives!

Millionaire Mind Intensive – the beginning of the Naked Hippies dream come true

Millionaire Mind Intensive is a seminar, a workshop, an event that will transform your life.

Attending this event several years ago was the beginning, the catapult of the Naked Hippies dream come true.

It seemed impossible to get to the Millionaire Mind Intensive event in Phoenix.  We were living in Missouri, in an efficiency apartment with $13 in our checking account, no credit cards, a car with 150,000 miles and bald tires …


But, as we listened to T Harv Eker speak about the upcoming event, we knew we absolutely needed to get to Phoenix. So, we reserved our seats, and decided that even if we had to hitch hike, we would go.

His words were clear and direct, and as we sat there listening to him and looking at the dismal amount in our checking account, we knew something had to change.

Millionaire Mind Intensive changed everything in our lives.
At church the next day, Bruce got into a conversation with one of the members whom we had not had the pleasure of getting to know yet.  He shared about the message we heard from T Harv and that we were going to put our butts in those seats no matter what.

The following day, this member called us and offered to drive us to Phoenix in his reliable Toyota.  We were flabbergasted!

REALLY?  You would do that?

He insisted.  He and his partner planned to drive us to Phoenix and hang out at a motel while we attended the 3 day event.

Can you imagine how humble and grateful we felt?

Excitedly, we told them we had received two free tickets to share; they eagerly accepted the invitation to attend the event with us.

It was a honor to be present at the last live appearance of T Harv Eker at these events.  During those three days we listened, we learned and we experienced breakthroughs about our money blueprint that truly launched us on the Naked Hippies Roadtrip path to our dream.

The exercises we went through helped us understand and clear many of the limiting beliefs that were holding us back.

Now, we serve on the Karma Krew at these events. It is an opportunity for us to give back to Millionaire Mind Intensive.

If you are feeling stuck.

If you are wondering why you continue to struggle.

If you are seeking a way to break through to financial success.

Get to one of the Millionaire Mind Intensive events.

They are free to attend.

They are held all over the country.

Do whatever you have to do to get there … by car, train, bus, or plane … or even by hitchhiking!


Access the upcoming Millionaire Mind Intensive schedule here.

I have to share some of the sychronicities that we have discovered from attending our first Millionaire Mind Intensive.

As we began to build our online business and network with other online marketers, we met and become friends with them at various marketing events, and eventually became business partners.

It was amazing to discover that four of the people  we were working with directly had been to the exact same event in Phoenix! We came full circle.

Have you attended a Millionaire Mind Intensive event? Share in the comments below! 

Meet the Naked Hippies

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Illinois Tollways has the most frustrating, outdated, and backwards way to collect tolls. It's a scam, it's extortion.

Illinois Tollway Runs a Lucrative Tourist Scam

Illinois Tollway has greatly diminished any further Naked Hippies roadtrips to the state.

As you know, we are full-time RVers who spend our lives traveling across the U.S., taking in the incredible scenes of Nature offered in this beautiful country … to the tune of 18 states and 21,000 miles in 2014 alone.

Most states have understood that with the advent of debit cards, travelers don’t always carry cash and thus, have adapted and updated their systems to make use of technology to make things simpler for tourists.

All you have to do is go to their website, enter your license plate number, see the tolls owed, enter your card number … paid … done … simple.

Welcome to the state of Illinois … that touts”mile after magnificent mile” in its tourism promotions.

Be aware … driving mile after mile in Illinois could end up costing you hundreds, thousands … could end up bankrupting you … and even get your license and registration revoked!

Illinois Tollway fines could bankrupt you!


Recently, while traveling through Illinois, as we followed ‘Siri” our GPS, we saw the signs that informed us we could easily pay the tolls online within 3 days.

No worries, we’ve done this many times before. We were scheduled to leave the state before the first tolls were due, so we naturally thought that when we were finished with our roadtrip, we would log-on to the website and pay all of the tolls in one simple transaction.


Upon arriving at the Illinois Tollway website, we were greeted with this message:

IMPORTANT: There is no capability to search for your unpaid tolls by entering your license plate. You are responsible for reporting each toll you did not pay. You must continue by following the instructions to enter the unpaid toll information in order to avoid violations. 

After three days of wandering around the state of Illinois, we were supposed to tell THEM every time we entered and exited a toll road.

Perhaps in days gone by, when you had to map out your trips, that might have been possible … difficult, but possible.  But today, when navigating by listening to a computerized voice telling you when and where to turn, it becomes completely impossible.

After multiple attempts at using the Illinois Tollway website, calling the customer service line and reaching only recordings that told us the same thing…“we are not going to tell you what you owe,”  we simply gave up, seeing no other alternative.

We FINALLY received a bill in the mail and were informed that our exact tolls had been $7.97,  but because of fines – we now owed $87.97.

Funny how they couldn’t tell us how much we owed at the time, but they sure as heck can once the fines have been added.

It’s is a common occurrence.

Total Amount Due or this or that other threat: $62.60!
$62.60 for $2.80 tolls!


I wasn’t out to rip off the Illinois Tollway but it appears this “road rage” – this outrageous and exorbitant fine – is meant to take advantage of drivers unfamiliar with Illinois road ways. It appears the Illinois Tollway have worded the bill to completely cover themselves and offers no understanding or compromise.” [Source]

Read Kim’s unbelievable story here of being charged $2,300 for toll violations which prompted a reader to share her nightmare below:

$12,000 Fine – Pay it our lose your license!

Illinois Tollway fine of $12,000 is highway robbery.
There was also a phone number included with our letter to actually contact a live person at Illinois Tollways. This live person informed us that even if we had been able to contact a live person at the time, it wouldn’t have mattered – since they are not allowed to tell you how much is owed.

She also informed us that we now owed $287.97 plus the threat of having our drivers license and registration for our vehicle revoked if not paid.

This “we’re not going to tell you what you owe, but if you don’t pay the amount (that we’re not going to tell you) you will be royally screwed”  sounds very much premeditated and with malicious forethought. 

The State of Illinois is willfully and intentionally scamming tourists.

We’re fighting this with every means we can. If you are outraged at yet another story of the government digging its claws into every thing that you do … then share this blog post.

The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry. – William F. Buckley, Jr.

If tourists just avoid Illinois in order to keep from getting ripped off like this, how much money will the state lose from sales tax and hospitality taxes from the restaurants, motels, and other tourist venues?

Because the only way the world can ever truly be a better place is if the people who make it a worse place no longer have the means to do so. – Simon Black

Stay tuned. This isn’t over for us. We’ll keep you updated on what happens next.  But this you can be sure of … we won’t be traveling through Illinois.






c:  573-881-6715
f: Connect with me on Facebook
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how-the-middle-class-got-screwed.1P.S.  It’s not just the Illinois Tollway system that is screwing us and many many others … it’s happening everywhere.  Can you fight back? You bet!  Download this free ebook “How the Middle Class Got Screwed” to get a clearer picture of who, what, when, where and why you’re being screwed … and most of all, how you can fight back.



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How to stand out so others will find you on the internet ... you're competing with millions!

How to Stand Out Among Billions on the Internet

Stand out among billions on the internet or you’ll stand in the shadows of those who do …

If you don’t stand out, you’ll wring your hands, beat your head against the wall, cry out to the gods of cyberspace and probably start to think of throwing in the towel.


HOLD ON!  Before you scream “It’s no use,” read on for some tips on standing out on the internet.

Just so you know, as of just a few minutes ago, there were nearly 3 million blog posts written today, over 154 billion emails sent, and over 648 million tweets.  And the day ain’t over yet!
[source: http://www.internetlivestats.com/]

Click the pic to see the “real time” numbers

As the number of internet users it is more evident than ever that you stand out as a blogger, as a marketer among the billions on the internet – but how?


1.  BE YOU – the #1 thing you can do

You're among MILLIONS of bloggers, Facebook users, Tweeters on the internet ... how do you stand out?
It’s really, really, really okay to be YOU!

There is no one else like you. No one else has your style, your voice, your personality and yes, even your quirks.

But, that’s exactly what attracts followers.  You just have to be as real as it gets. Be the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s all allowed and adored because everyone is sick and tired of the hype and false pretensions on the internet (and everywhere else in life, too.)

People have a keen sense of smell … they can smell the stink of fake or the fragrance of genuineness.

Nobody can DO YOU like you do you!  There’s a ton of people copying other styles, trying to “fit in,” attempting to be something they truly aren’t.  You just do you and leave the mask off.


It doesn’t matter whether you blog every day, three times a week or even once a week. What matters is that you are CONSISTENT.

Consistently showing up is one key to standing out on the internet among the billions.
Every day matters. Be there!

On social media platforms, it’s a daily requirement – at least once a day, but even better to have a presence several times a day for this reason … your social media posts have a short shelf life:

TWITTER: The median lifespan of a tweet is 18 minutes.

FACEBOOK: 75% of the engagement you get on your posts happens within the first 5 hours. After that, engagement pretty much dies off. [more statistics here]

INSTAGRAM: Your photo on Instagram may only get seen once, so make it a good one. [source]

PINTEREST:  Your Pinterest pins are on Pinterest forever.  However they are only going to show up in your followers’ streams when you initially pin them. [source]


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it’s been proven to be the most engaging, the most valuable element of your social media marketing and on your blog.

Using great images increases your chance of standing out on the internet.
Find some fun pics like this on Pixabay!

Research from Skyword found that if your content includes compelling images, you can average 94 percent more views than your boring counterparts. [source]


Word of warning though:  use only your own personal pictures or images that you have permission to use without worry of copyright infringement.  The last thing you need is a lawsuit for grabbing an image from Google or Pinterest or someone’s blog, thinking because it’s on the web, it’s okay to use it.  WRONG.

A great source for copyright-free images is Pixabay.  The search function gives you tons of images to choose from, and they are available in different sizes to suit your needs.


A great title and the first few words of your social media post have to GRAB the attention of the reader. If it doesn’t, they will click off or scroll away from what you are sharing.

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.  -David Ogilvy

Too often, more attention is given to the content created than the title or headline.

Jeff Goins writes, “You should begin and end every article with the question: ‘Would this make me want to read on?'”

In this article, he offers a simple formula for your titles:

Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

You’ve got about 3 seconds to get someone’s attention with your title or your social media post.  Pay attention to the subject lines of the emails you receive from other marketers … notice how some have a title that you can’t ignore … you just have to read more. That’s exactly what you want your titles to do.


Be a resource for what people need.

Most people are always looking to increase pleasure or decrease pain in their lives.  You can be the “go-to” person that they will learn to rely on for either (as you incorporate all of these tips.)

Being a resource doesn’t mean you have to have a PhD in a subject.

You have skills and life experiences to share with the world.
Life has given you a boatload of skills and experiences to share.

You just have to share what you know … the knowledge you’ve gained and the experiences you have had in life.

Decrease the pain:   What are your skills?  There is someone who is searching how to do exactly what you already know.  You probably have more skills than you realize.  Make a list of everything you know how to do, no matter how insignificant it might seem, from your expertise as a realtor to your amazing skills as a mom. You’d be surprised at what people type in the search bars!

Increase the pleasure:  Are you a motivator?  Do you inspire and encourage people?  Are you funny and entertaining?  Do you write poetry, compose music, create beautiful works of art?  Share your strengths to be a source of light in other lives.

These five tips to help you stand out on the internet are intended to get your creative juices flowing and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and show the world what you’ve got!


It does take work, effort and commitment to implement these tips, but, remember, there are millions, sometimes billions of eyeballs.

What other tips have you found to help you stand out on the internet?  Share!  I’d love to hear!






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